My first Past Life Regression experience guided by Aileen was one of the most profound experiences I could have imagined.
I was not sure what to expect or if I would be able to experience anything at all, which was one of my fears.
However, Aileen assuaged my concerns with her friendly, calm demeanor and a detailed explanation of how the session would transpire.
My personal experience I consider to be nothing short of a spiritual one, in which profound healing of my heart and mind took place.
Through the session I was guided by Aileen to a place, Mount Shasta, where I encountered enlightened people, who in their presence, I experienced a level of profound joy, peace, and love that was so overwhelming it brought me to tears.
Personal and spiritual resistances and boundaries that I had created for myself in my life (that I was not even consciously aware of!) came tumbling down in that moment and my body surged with an immense feeling of wholeness with All.
Aileen remained with me throughout the experience, guiding me with her words, questions and directions enabling me to master a deeper, richer understanding of the entire experience.
One individual who I met, a man, I felt that we had a connection that lasted beyond time; he seemed to know me and on a level deeper than I even know myself.
We indeed, had spent many lifetimes together.
I was brought to a place and connected with people for the reason that this was the best experience for me to have at this time for my own growth and spiritual development.
My wish is that everyone, whether they are a believer in PLR or not, could have the opportunity I had, facilitated by Aileen whose years of dedication to spiritual growth and learning has given her the knowledge and tools to conduct these sessions with a gentle yet purposeful grace.